What does the Foreign Exchange Risk Management Policy propose ?
Expanding business abroad is a source of growth, but it also entails risks for SMEs. It is also complex to monitor the successive impacts of exchange rates on the company’s anticipated performance.
Omicron, inflation, political uncertainty, market volatility, supply chain
The past two decades have taken place against a backdrop of low and stable inflation in many developed markets as opposed to the periods of high inflation of the 1970s and 1980s.
Foreign exchange risk, U-shaped or V-shaped recovery?
Without any vaccines or drugs against COVID-19, any rebound in economic activity could suddenly stop in its tracks once again.
COVID-19 Macro-economic / global outlook
The coronavirus will change the way we do things for years.
Go back to basics…
Implementing good technology on top of bad habits (process) will only multiplies garbage outputs and risks.
From forward contracts to options: Presenting instruments mitigating foreign exchange risk
In a previous article (Foreign currency risk), we addressed identifying and measuring foreign exchange risk so it can be managed in such a way that the company remains focused on its core mission, its business operations, without being overly exposed to financial risks.
Foreign Exchange Risk Management Policy: Summary Elements
It is the nature of your operating cycle, of your operations that determines the sensitivity of your profitability to currency fluctuations.